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Candles and Accessories (Home Decor)

  • Guardian Angel LED Candle


    Guardian Angel LED Candle.  Requires 2 AA batteries

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  • Michael Archangel LED Candle


    Michael ArchAngel LED Candle.  Requires 2 AA batteries

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  • I Am With You Always Lantern LED


    Create a warm and inviting atmosphere with this LED Lantern!
    The LED Candle is made of real wax, with a plastic base and battery compartment (requires 3 AAA batteries) and a plastic artificial flame. The candle sits inside a quality tin frame with clear glass panes that allow the light out.
    Brushed black color, and featuring the design “”I Am With You Always”” This inspirational Lantern is perfect for your home. Use in any room, and use it at any time. Place on any surface like your mantle, nightstand, or window sill, or you can hang it any place you choose! The entire Lantern reaches a height of 11 inches tall, and 3.75 inches wide on each side. Not recommended for outdoor use due to the electrical components of the LED.

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